Rudy Shooting Team now Sponsored by Weapon Shield

Rudy Shooting Team

Today, Rattac Technologies, LLC., makers of Weapon Shield™ have come to terms of a two year Sponsorship with the International Rudy Project Shooting Team.

“We are excited to be working with you and promoting Weapon Shield™ again!”, said Rob Weinberg, Rudy Project North American Shooting Team, Pro Team Captain.

The Rudy Project Shooting Team has shooters all across North America with 16 Pro Class members, and up to 120 non-pro shooters. Rattac Technologies is honored to support such a special group that works to hard to promote shooting in all demographics and help the shooting sports thrive for future generations. 

Weapon Shield™ is proud to be part of what this team is and what it is and represents. Here’s to two years (and more) of partnership and fun! 

Follow the Rudy Shooting Project Team on Facebook by clicking the team logo or by clicking HERE

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