1911 Custom Solutions Joins as Brand Ambassador and Distributor

Rattac Technologies, LLC., and Weapon Shield™ are so happy to announce that 1911 Custom Solutions have partnered with us as Brand ambassadors and Distributors.

1911 Custom Solutions provides their customers with Custom 1911 model .45ACP / 9MM / 38 SUPER pistols “engineered for performance, precision machined in America and handcrafted to perfection”. Their entire selection – classic pistols produced by Wilson Combat, NightHawk Custom, Les Baer Custom, and Ed Brown Products – offers you brand new, fine custom handguns. They are all available for your immediate purchase and delivery throughout the USA.

Your pistol will arrive by UPS typically within two days of shipping. And if convenient for you, you’re invited to personally visit their Houston showroom by appointment. They are in the Memorial area near the Galleria shopping center of Houston, Texas – call ahead at 832.387.6003, and you can make your purchase in person.

Typically, if you are looking to purchase one of these fine 1911’s, you’re looking at a long wait. 1911 Custom Solutions however is an Elite Dealer for Wilson Combat and as Authorized Dealers for both NightHawk Custom, Les Baer Custom and Ed Brown Products. Pistols are ordered in advance from all their manufacturers for future delivery, so stock is always on hand.  Of course, further customization is always available, and with quick deliveries, often in four to eight weeks.

With a professional photographer on staff, you can count on your pistol arriving just as it looks on the their web site (and, of course, the serial number will then be visible on the gun).

Keep 1911 Custom Solutions in mind for your 1911 needs, and when you need more Weapon Shield™ products.

you can contact 1911 Custom Solutions, LLC., at 1911customsolutions@gmail.com


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